¡@¡@This association offers fourteen regulation of treating pollution as follows:

The First Item
¡@¡@The problem of pollution is treated according to the regulation which is formed by our association.

The Second Item
¡@¡@Public pollution is defined as any behavior which will destroy environment ,including air, water, soil, waste elements pollution and so on.On the whole, as long as any behavior will destroy envionment and affect thequality of life, it will be regarded as a behavior of pollution.

The Third Item
¡@¡@In order to strengthen the function of preventing pollution, this association not only helps people solve the problem of pollution but also actively finds the problem of pollution. As long as any problem of pollution is found, it will be treated mmediately in accordance with our regulation.

The Fourth Item
¡@¡@The range of treating problems of pollution is inclined to prevent public pollution, therefore, if there is any problem which is private and does not affect public people, it will be carefully considered or even rejected.

¡@¡@Talking about the problem above, it seems better only to offer other ways, such as appealing to the government.

The Fifth Item
¡@¡@When we accept the problem of pollution, we will send memember to understand the situation of pollution and report it to the government, and then we will ask for the government to help us or to handle in accordance with our regulation by ourselves.

¡@¡@If the problems of pollution which are timely effective are offered, the time, the place, and the situation of pollution must be detailedly written in the application and the applicant must write his name on it so as to show responsibty. If the name of applicant is not written on it, we will not andle the problem offered.

¡@¡@If the problem offered is not true, we will not handle, either. If the problem offered is untrue enough so as to affect our association fame, the truth will be opened and the applicant will be blamed after the meeting of council.

The Sixth Item
¡@¡@This association only helps people solve the problem of pollution unless the problem of pollution is serious enough to affect many districts, it will be rejected.As to trivial problems, some suggestions will be offered; for example, appealing to the government; uniting people to organize association by themselves.

The Seventh Item
¡@¡@The problem of pollution is handled according to the regulation. If the problem of compensation is offered by the applicant or the problem is not connected with preserving environment, these problems will be rejected If the problem is very important, it will be handled after meeting of council.

The Eighth Item
¡@¡@If the problem of pollution is referred to politics or improper behavior, it will be rejected, especially during the period of election problem of protesting against pollution will be rejected.

The Nineth Item
¡@¡@The purpose of this association regarding handling any problem of pollution is to make the environment better and to elevate the quality of life. Any repayment will be rejected.

The Tenth Item
¡@¡@If there is any problem offered by other associations after meeting of the committee, we will help them survey quality of environment, including water, air, soil pollution and soon. Some repayment will be accepted, but it is not our main purpose.

The Eleventh Item
¡@¡@If the problem of pollutions beyond our ability, we ask the government to help us.

The Twelfth Item
¡@¡@Any problem of pollution will be handled by cadres. Any member can not do anything in terms of this association. If any member privately treats any problem of pollution or ask repayment, according to "The Tenth Item of Regulation", he will be blamed and even enforced to leave association.

The Thirteen Item
¡@¡@Whenever our association accepts the problem of pollution, we will record it in the computer and handle it. After handling, we will report the situation of handling to applicant by letter.

THe Fourteenth Item
¡@¡@The regulation will be executed or revised after the meeting of the council.